Email Segmentation

10 Email Marketing Segmentation Strategies You Can Use Now

September 20, 2023

Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching your audience, but sending the same message to your entire list isn’t always the best approach. That’s where email marketing segmentation comes into play. Segmentation involves dividing your email list into smaller, more targeted groups based on specific criteria. By sending tailored messages to these segments, you can significantly improve engagement and conversion rates.

Today, we’ll explore 10 quick and easy email marketing segmentation strategies that can help you get better results from your email campaigns.


1. Demographic Segmentation Demographic segmentation involves dividing your email list based on demographic factors such as age, gender, location, income, and education. By understanding the demographics of your audience, you can create content and offers that resonate with their specific interests and needs. For example, a clothing retailer might send different emails to male and female subscribers, showcasing products that are more likely to appeal to each group.

2. Geographic Segmentation email marketing segmentation works on phone and laptopTargeting subscribers according to their geographical location is called geographic segmentation. This can be particularly useful for businesses with physical locations or those offering location-specific promotions. You can send emails promoting in-store events or special offers relevant to specific regions.

3. Behavior-Based Segmentation Behavior-based segmentation relies on how subscribers interact with your emails and website. This can include factors like purchase history, website visits, and email engagement. By analyzing these behaviors, you can send highly targeted emails, such as abandoned cart reminders or product recommendations based on past purchases.

4. Email Engagement Segmentation

Not all subscribers engage with your emails in the same way. Some might open every email, while others rarely do. Segmenting based on email engagement allows you to tailor your messaging to different groups. For instance, you can send re-engagement campaigns to subscribers who haven’t opened your emails in a while to win them back.

5. Purchase History Segmentation

Segmenting your list by purchase history enables you to recommend related products or offer exclusive discounts to loyal customers. This strategy can increase customer retention and drive additional sales.

6. Psychographic Segmentation

Psychographic segmentation involves understanding subscribers’ personalities, values, interests, and lifestyle choices. By creating content and offers that align with these characteristics, you can forge stronger connections with your audience. For example, a wellness brand might segment subscribers interested in meditation and mindfulness and send them targeted content and product recommendations.

7. Customer Life-cycle Segmentation

Subscribers go through different stages in their relationship with your brand, from new leads to loyal customers. Segmenting based on the customer lifecycle allows you to send the right messages at the right time. Nurture new leads with educational content, reward loyal customers with exclusive offers, and re-engage inactive customers with special promotions.

8. Email Preference Segmentation

Some subscribers prefer to receive emails less frequently, while others want to hear from you daily. By respecting their email preferences, you can reduce unsubscribe rates and improve overall engagement. Offer options for subscribers to choose their email frequency during the signup process or through preference centers.

9. Customer Feedback Segmentation

Collecting feedback from your customers through surveys or reviews can provide valuable insights. Segmenting based on this feedback allows you to address specific concerns, send follow-up emails, and make improvements to your products or services.

10. Seasonal and Event-Based Segmentation

Segmenting your list based on seasons, holidays, or special events can help you send timely and relevant messages. For example, a gardening supply store might send spring planting tips in March or holiday gift guides in December.  


Email marketing segmentation is a dynamic strategy that can significantly boost the effectiveness of your email campaigns. By implementing these 10 quick and easy segmentation strategies, you can send more personalized, relevant emails that resonate with your subscribers. Remember that effective segmentation isn’t about creating dozens of segments but about finding the right balance that maximizes engagement and conversion rates while minimizing subscriber fatigue. Start small, test your segments, and refine your approach over time to achieve the best results for your email marketing efforts.

Until next time, keep those emails rolling! – Jim


Jim Gibbs

Jim Gibbs, Senior Account Executive at Critical Impact

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